Ametek Buildtech

Ametek Buildtech

The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Ametek Buildtech India Private Limited is U70101DL2013PTC256965 and registration number is 256965. The company does Real estate activities with own or leased property.

This includes buying, selling, renting and operating of self-owned or leased real estate such as apartment buildings and dwellings, non-residential buildings, developing and subdividing real estate into lots etc.

  • Eco design and features Eco design and features
  • Smart Automation Smart automation
  • Elevated well being Elevated well being
  • Project Area project area: 25+ acre
  • Secluded in Nature Secluded in nature
Cricket Stadium Sketch Cricket Stadium

Why Us

We are committed to deliver the finest lifestyle to our esteemed customers. We have made sure to serve each and every client with transparency, reliability, and a proven commitment.

Unbreakable Commitment

High Quality

Timely Delivery

Futuristic Approach

Environment Friendly

Customer Friendly

Noida Real Estate News

Noida Real Estate Sector is one the most booming sector in India. With various world-class residential and commercial projects launching every now and then, this place is epicenter for real estate investors.